Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Biff Wrote a New Poem!!

Just Like My Winter Sheets
Just like my winter sheets
Originally uploaded by biffhumble69.
Award-winning poet and all-around Renaissance man Biff Humble has penned another masterpiece of poetic inspiration:

Winter Sheets

I put on my winter sheets;
Soft, jersey cotton.
Soft like a rabbit fur.

Nothing's as cozy as
Warm, jersey cotton.
Warm, like rabbit fur gloves.

I tucked them in
Tight, jersey cotton.
Tight, like rabbit fur driving gloves.

I have to pee, but my bed's so
Comfortable, jersey cotton.
Comfortable, like old rabbit fur driving gloves.

Can't hold it until morning; If I'm quick it'll stay
Warm, jersey cotton
Warm, like rabbit fur gloves

It's cold; I run; I pee; I shake it and run back.
But, not quick enough; I got goosebumps.

And then I slid back into my bed,
It was warm, soft, and tight.
Like a six-foot vagina.

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